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Aug. 21 2018
DATE: August 21, 2018             TIME: 7:00            LOCATION: Town Hall Annex
Attendance: Chairman Brian Keevan, Ron Thompson, John Vieira, Barbara Laughlin, Rachel Catlow, and Susan Mitchell
Brian Keevan called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.
Votes taken in the following actions are “all in favor” unless noted otherwise.
Public Hearings:
Item 1:  A public hearing was continued at 7:02PM for a Notice of Intent (NOI) for Princeton Land Trust (PLT) hiking trail clearing (DEP File # 267-0413).  The NOI is proposed as a Limited Project.  Brian recused himself from the hearing because of his association with the PLT.  The applicant was asked by the state to provide additional information related to pilings since they are considered as “fill” within a wetland.  This hearing will be continued until the September 18, 2018 meeting.
Item 2: A public hearing was opened at 7:52PM for a NOI for the paving of Calamint Hill Road North.  Larry Green Junior presented the plans and scope of work.  Barbara recused herself from the hearing because she is an abutter to the project.  Several state agencies have reviewed relevant applications and submittals as follows: DCR – project is exempt from WsPA, NHESP – No Take, MEPA – Certificate received, DEP commented asking for model of stream flow beneath the bridge for flood zone.  Commission members discussed extending erosion controls on the east side of the road and on the west side of the road south of the bridge by as much as 120 feet further than currently depicted, to the road curve.  Larry Green Jr. will consider a new design for swale outfall based on PCC, DEP, and DCR comments.   Matt Kelly, an abutter, addressed the Commission regarding a potential vernal pool located ~15 feet off the road on his property opposite Bigelow’s driveway.  The paving is slated for the 2019 construction season and there would be an upcoming site walk with the Tree Warden and residents as well as a publicized neighborhood meeting.  This public hearing will be continued until the September 18, 2018 meeting.
Item 3: A public hearing was opened at 8:28 PM for a NOI for a lot on Merriam Road at the corner of East Princeton Road (Map 8B, Lot 21) for Jennifer Greene (DEP #267-0414) for the construction of a single family residence and associated septic and potable well.  The public hearing will be continued until the September 18, 2018 meeting to allow for the applicant to verify field conditions with the conditions depicted on the site plan.  

Public Meetings:
Item 1: A public meeting was opened at 7:11 PM for a Request for Determination (RDA) for 4 Beaman Road related to septic repairs.   The septic leach field is located outside the BVW buffer zone, but the edge of disturbance is within the buffer zone.  A Negative #3 determination with the following conditions was issued: erosion controls just beyond the limit of work at the 84 foot existing contour line as shown on the accepted Site Plan and a pre-construction inspection will be held.
Item 2: A public meeting was opened at 7:31 for a RDA for demolition of an abandoned residence located at 85 Hobbs Road (Old Colony Rd) which is owned by the Department of Conservation and Recreation.   Upon completion of demo work, the area will be backfilled and all disturbed areas will be seeded with a grass seed mixture.  Additionally, removal of debris and junk on the property will be conducted.  A Negative #1 determination was issued because the drainage ditch near the SFR does not fall under jurisdiction of the Wetlands Protection Act.
Item 3:  The property owner Dowdy at 247 East Princeton Road requested Certificate of Compliance (COC) following the completion of septic repairs (DEP #267-0396).  Commissioners inspected the property on August 9, 2018 and determined that the septic leach field slopes needed additional work to be completed properly and stabilized near the toe of the slopes.  A COC was not issued by the Commission.
Item 1:  An update was provided to the commission after Commissioners Brian, Ron, Sue and Barbara visited the project site on August 9, 2018.
Item 2:  The Commission will set a date for a site walk related to a COC for the Routh 140 (East Princeton Road) project (DEP #267-0391).
Commission Other Business, Mail, Procedures, etc.:
The Commission approved the July 17, 2018 meeting minutes.
The next PCC meeting is scheduled for September 18, 2018.
Commission mail was reviewed.
Forest Cutting Plan:  None
Meeting Adjourned at 9:23PM.
Respectfully submitted, Barbara Laughlin